Established in 1994, Mi2 is a private company with 150 professionals across Asia from 9 different countries, comprising of architects, interior designers, material specialists, project managers and experienced engineers, speaking more than 10 languages.

We provide interior design, construction and project management services with regional offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Taipei, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Our diverse portfolio features corporate facilities, retail shops, R&D centers, Real estate projects, comprises bank &financial institutions, law firms, technology companies, automobiles giants, advertising houses and consumer products.

We are one of the few firms that has ISO 9001 & 14001 accreditation as part of our stringent project delivery methodology.

Many of our flagship projects for key global clients received some of the first LEED GOLD projects that were awarded in China and our Shanghai office earned the WELL Platinum certification.

What makes our success is our capability to address the client’s needs from conceptualization to delivery, providing a high level of attention and service needed in each and every project.